Directed by renowned Hollywood director and producer Alejandro G. Inarritu (21 Grams, Babel), this epic football journey unfolds through a match of goal line clearances, game-winning tackles and lightning footwork that literally send a ripple effect across the world.
Some of the world's best players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, Didier Drogba, Wayne Rooney, Fabio Cannavaro, Franck Ribery, Andres Iniesta, Cesc Fabregas, Theo Walcott, Patrice Evra, Gerard Pique, Ronaldinho, Landon Donovan, Tim Howard and Thiago Silva, are featured. Special guest cameos are made by tennis legend Roger Federer and basketball superstar Kobe Bryant. Homer Simpson completes the star-studded cast of appearances. The film will be shown on TV for the first time on May 22nd during the European Club Final.
Speaking of the Champions League Final, another historic event is set to occur! F.C. Internazionale Milano (Inter Milan) will be giving their all to win their first European Champions' Cup since 1965!! So join us as we enjoy a summer of historic football (first WC in Africa).
My predictions:
- World Cup (Spain/Germany for the Finals - and Ivory Coast to the Semis)
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